Fast Cast Rate (Armor)
Tal Rasha's Adjudication +3 (Amulet +3)---[10%]
Griffon's Eye (Diadem)---[25%]
Skin of the Vipermagi (Serpentskin Armor)---[30%]
Que-Hegan's Wisdom (Mage Plate)---[20%]
Ormus' Robes (Dusk Shroud)---[20%]
Tal Rasha's Guardianship +1 (Lacquered Plate +1)---[10%]
"Stealth" (Armor@2)---[25%]
"Fortitude" (Weapon/Armor@4)---[25%]
Wall of the Eyeless (Bone Shield)---[20%]
Lidless Wall (Grim Shield)---[30%]
Darkforce Spawn (Bloodlord Skull:Nec)---[30%]
"Splendor" (Shield@2)---[10%]
"Spirit" (Sword/Shield@4)---[25%~35%]
Arachnid Mesh (Spiderweb Sash)---[20%]
Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth +2 (Mesh Belt +2)---[10%]
Magefist (Light Gauntlets)---[20%]
Trang-Oul's Claws (Heavy Bracers)---[20%]
Arcanna's Tricks (Complete)---[20%]
Cathan's Traps (Complete)---[10%]